Galileo Moments
Karl Giberson says believing in a real-life Adam is a line in the sand for evangelicals - and a Galileo moment for churches.

It's been called a 'Galileo moment' for Christian churches: is the biblical Adam a metaphor - or the guy you find when you go back far enough in your real-life family tree?
Karl Giberson is a Christian with a PhD in physics. He's the author of Saving the Original Sinner: How Christians Have Used the Bible's First Man to Oppress, Inspire, and Make Sense of the World. He says believing in Adam is non-negotiable for evangelicals: without the biblical first human, the whole Christian story will collapse like a jenga tower. Giberson can relate: there was a time for him when Adam WAS a real-life human being.
Click here to read an excerpt from Saving the Original Sinner: How Christians Have Used the Bible's First Man to Oppress, Inspire, and Make Sense of the World.