With Age Comes Wisdom. Also, Linzertorte.
“Some old fart gives heartfelt advice to shining young people.” Writer George Saunders tells Mary about his commencement speech, which went viral. The food writer Marion Kane finds that getting older has opened the door to things she never could have understood as a child. Kane sets out to solve a generation-old family mystery: who was missing from the family tree - and where did they go? We end with a poetry reading by the renowned atheist Richard Dawkins.

"Some old fart gives heartfelt advice to shining young people." Writer George Saunders tells Mary about his commencement speech, which went viral.
The food writer Marion Kane finds that getting older has opened the door to things she never could have understood as a child. Kane sets out to solve a generation-old family mystery: who was missing from the family tree - and where did they go?
We end with a poetry reading by the renowned atheist Richard Dawkins.