Family Secrets & Linzertorte
‘If you don’t stop hitting the bottle, you’re going to die.’ - The food writer Marion Kane took her doctor’s warning to heart - and delved into family secrets to help her understand why she was spiralling out of control.

Mary Hynes speaks with Marion Kane, well-known in food circles as a cookbook author and former food editor at the Toronto Star. Kane was also drinking too much and overdoing it with prescription drugs. So she tried to get a grip on her life. Kane wondered whether something in her family's past might help explain what was going on, so she set out to interview her mother, who lives in London, England.
Marion Kane talks about the second generation of families - '2G' - shattered by the Holocaust and about how ageing children are scrambling to hear the stories before their parents are gone.
You can find her mother's famous Linzertorte recipe at Marion's blog.