DEBATE: The threat of terrorism has been grossly exaggerated
Jonathan Kay, Editor-in-Chief of Walrus Magazine says 'yes', and former Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Chris Alexander says 'no', in this preview of a debate hosted by the Macdonald-Laurier Institute.

Has the threat of terrorism in Canada been exaggerated?
That's the question up for debate at this month's installment of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute's "Great Canadian Debates."
Jonathan Kay, Editor-in-Chief of Walrus Magazine, says yes.
Yes, there has been terrorism, but the terrorism has been on a much smaller scale than what was expected 15 years ago.- Jonathan Kay, Walrus Magazine
Former Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Chris Alexander says no. He says the threat of terror is real.
The bottom line is that there are many, many more terrorists active in Syria and Iraq today, than there were active in Afghanistan on the eve of 9/11.- Chris Alexander, former Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
To hear the full debate, click the play button above.