Does it matter what your neighbourhood is called?

It took almost a year and a half to name three new neighbourhoods in Edmonton.
And even then, it came down a tie-breaking vote by city council.
The developers building the neighbourhoods wanted to call them: The Uplands, Stillwater, and River's Edge. But the city's naming committee disregarded those and chose Balsam Wood, Golden Willow, and River Alder, saying they more accurately reflected local flora, and therefore are in line with the city's naming policy.
After an appeal, council ruled in favour of the developers.
Different priorities for developers and naming committee?
Brad Armstrong, of Qualico developers, was relieved. He says his company wanted names that would attract buyers: "it's a source of identity for them and it's a source of pride, and the names that we chose we thought were names that were going to resonate with the buying public."
But Jamie Post, chair of the naming committee, said the purpose of the committee, and the policy, is to have names that reflect Edmonton: "I'm disappointed in how the vote went down in council, I think the naming scheme falls far more to marketing the committee's policy...The policy is names recognizing a significant natural feature, recognizing an individual that has contributed significantly to city, province, country."
Tell us what you think!
We want to know what you think: does it matter what a neighbourhood is called? Are you more likely to buy in a community whose name "resonates" with you?
And what are your favourite neighbourhood names, whatever the reason? Here at The 180 we love Calgary's Tuscany and Valley Ridge.
Share your thoughts in the comments below, or by email. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
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