Deaf musicians shatter myths about hearing impairments and sound

Is it an oxymoron to be a deaf musician? Or are the rest of us just not listening?
Today we bring you the documentary "Deaf Jam" with the story of people who love the rhythms of music so much, a lack of hearing hasn't deterred them from pursuing a musical career.
And we're breaking new ground with an ASL interpreted version online.
Here is Willow Yamauchi's documentary "Deaf Jam" interpreted by Toronto ASL-English interpreter, Kathy Munro.
Two hundred years ago, Ludwig van Beethoven had little more than 12 years left to live... and by then, he was profoundly deaf. And yet, he would go on to compose some of his greatest works of art --- including his Ninth Symphony.
Still, many find it hard to imagine that people who are deaf can create music. Today we hear from deaf musicians who shatter any misconceptions.
Freelancer Willow Yamauchi is deaf in one ear. Her documentary is called "Deaf Jam."
The Current's Documentary Editor is Joan Webber.