From Bernardo to Pickton, criminal lawyers share most haunting cases

From Magnotta ... to Pickton ... to Bernardo, some of the most high profile criminal trials are also the toughest in the court of public opinion. We hear from some of Canada's high profile criminal lawyers on their most challenging cases.
The multiple crimes of Robert Pickton, Paul Bernardo, the downing of Air India, and now the case of Luca Magnotta, are some of the most notorious and horrific court cases in Canadian history. And while there is often intense media coverage of high profile cases, rarely does the public have a chance to hear directly from the lawyers who defend or prosecute them.
A new books offers stories from twenty of Canada's most prominent criminal lawyers, in their own words, about the cases that have most deeply affected them.
Christopher Evans is a criminal lawyer and the co-editor of "Tough Crimes: True Cases by Top Canadian Criminal Lawyers." He was in Calgary.
Marilyn Sandford is a defence lawyer in Vancouver.
John Rosen is a defence lawyer in Toronto.
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This segment was produced by Calgary's Network Producer, Michael O'Halloran.