Household design has potential to make us healthier, happier

It may be time to redesign the most intimate room in your house - the bathroom.
Bathroom design in most Canadian homes has hardly changed in a hundred years. And despite some noble attempts to re-imagine it... it's surprisingly difficult for people to accept changes to the way bathrooms are designed. But many experts say it's time to take our lavatories into the 21st Century.
The documentary Room for Improvement was produced by The Current's Shannon Higgins and Kristin Nelson.
We also heard about another room in the house ripe for redesign... the kitchen.
Brian Wansink believes that it's easier to get slim by changing your eating environment, than by changing your mind. He's director of the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab and author of Slim By Design.
Let us know about designs, good and bad, that make a difference in your life. Tweet us @thecurrentcbc. E-mail us through our website. Find us on Facebook.