Exploring what makes identical twins so similar yet so different

Leora Eisen and her identical twin Linda Lewis grew up as best friends and soul mates. Their teeth fell out at the same time. They made the same mistakes on math tests. And some considered them interchangeable. The girls even chose the same profession: journalism.
Leora has directed a documentary all about the mysterious world of identical twins ... what makes them the same... and what can make them completely different as well. It's called Two of A Kind. And Leora Eisen joined Anna Maria Tremonti last November in Toronto.
Leora has directed a documentary all about the mysterious world of identical twins ... what makes them the same... and what can make them completely different as well. It's called Two of A Kind and it aired on CBC's The Nature of Things back in November when Anna Maria spoke to Leora Eisen in Toronto.
We want to hear your stories... are you an identical twin? What's your connection like with your clone?
Send us your twin stories on Twitter to @thecurrentcbc and use #twintales or send us an e-mail through our website.
This segment was produced by The Current's Liz Hoath.
As Leora Eisen mentioned, not everyone loves their twins. To understand more about twins that don't always get along, Anna Maria spoke to Dr. Barbara Klein -- a psychologist and an identical twin herself. She's also the author of three books about twins, the latest of which is called "Alone in the Mirror: twins in therapy".