23 year-old Canadian woman joins ISIS in Syria

"She just got up one morning and said she was going to the store. We all went to work, came home, all her stuff was gone. She had packed all her winter clothes, took her computer and left."
Imagine coming home one day and your daughter or your sister — a woman you thought you knew — was just gone.
Then, imagine the shock of finding out she has run away to Syria to join ISIS. We've heard a lot about young Canadian men who have become radicalized and left Canada to fight overseas. But we are slowly starting to hear about woman and girls too.

Last week, three British school girls flew together to Istanbul and are believed to be in Syria with ISIS. The woman we just heard about is also there ... in Syria and under the control of ISIS.
We're not naming her or her family because of concerns for her safety.
There's another Canadian woman who is believed to have joined ISIS — a woman known as L.A., whose cell phone was tracked to ISIS-controlled territory in Iraq and Syria. Some observers believe there are likely more Canadian recruits there now.
Jeff Weyers is a Senior Analyst with iBRABO, an open source intelligence research group that tracks western recruits thought to be working with ISIS. He was in Waterloo, Ontario.
Tonight on The National on CBC TV, the CBC's Adrienne Arsenault delves deeper into the bizarre trail of the mysterious female ISIS recruit known as L.A.
This segment was produced by The Current's Kristin Nelson.
► ISIS recruited Canadian woman to join fight in Syria - CBC News
► Analysis: Why are Western women joining Islamic State? - BBC News
►Woman's tweets tracked from Toronto to ISIS front lines - CTV News
►Selling the 'Fantasy': Why Young Western Women Would Join ISIS - ABC News