Alan Kurdi photo demands the world to care about refugees

WARNING: This post contains disturbing images
The refugee crisis is a story that's taken on a new urgency this week thanks in large part to a photograph, an image, that's having ripple effects of its own... the images of the three-year-old Syrian boy Alan Kurdi lying face down, washed up on the shore in Turkey.

He and his family -- father, mother and five-year-old brother -- had fled Syria in a dinghy. Only the father survived. Alan Kurdi's aunt, Fatima Kurdi, who goes by Tima, lives in Coquitlam, British Columbia.
...when the boat flipped upside down, and the wave keep pushing him down, those two boys they were in his arms... and screamed 'daddy please don't die'- Fatima Kurdi, Alan Kurdi's aunt
The photo of Alan Kurdi -- as simple as it is devastating -- has sparked anger, sadness and outrage unmatched by any of them.
To discuss the ripple effects of this photo, we convened two people who have thought a lot about it.
- David Walmsley is Editor in Chief of the Globe and Mail. His paper published a wide shot of Alan Kurdi on its front page yesterday. He was in Toronto.
- Patty Rhule is the director of exhibit development at the Newseum, a museum dedicated to the news. She was in Washington.
This segment was produced by The Current's Sujata Berry, Sonya Buyting and Gord Westmacott.
♦ Migrant crisis? No, Europe is facing a moral crisis - The Globe & Mail
♦ Alan Kurdi photos force Syrian migrant crisis on to global stage - Ottawa Citizen
There has been no shortage of devastating photographs coming out of the civil war in Syria and the refugee crisis that has followed.
Here are 6 iconic photos that captured the world's attention.
Vietnam napalm attack

Abu Ghraib

Oka crisis

Tiananmen Square

Woolworth's sit-in

Viet Cong execution