Transcripts, ASL videos available online for deaf and hard of hearing audience

Starting today, CBC is launching a pilot project that will make Canadian public radio available to an estimated 1.3 million Canadians who are otherwise unable to listen.
With the help of the Broadcasting Accessibility Fund, transcripts of full episodes of The Current will be made available on its website.
Where can you find transcripts?
Links to the transcripts are located in several places:
On the segment page just below the main image in the body of the post.
On the episode page for the day.
In the archive, attached to each day on our Past Episodes page.
ASL Interpreted Radio Documentary Video
In addition, CBC will film and post one American Sign Language (ASL) interpreted radio documentary from the show every month.
"At The Current, we strive to bring our audience stories that encourage them to think about our world, and our society in ways they might not have considered," said host Anna Maria Tremonti. "This project will give the hearing impaired an opportunity to join us in that process and to be part of a larger conversation about what is happening around us. I am delighted to be part of the effort to open that door to this important group of Canadians."
CBC produces a number of internationally-renowned, award-winning documentaries each year, many of which are broadcast on The Current. By offering these documentaries in ASL-interpretation, CBC expects to engage and entertain deaf audiences in an exciting new way, in many cases in their preferred language (ASL) for the first time.
Have a look at an example of an ASL-interpreted video for a documentary that aired on The Current.
This is Willow Yamauchi's documentary "Deaf Jam" interpreted by Toronto ASL-English interpreter, Kathy Munro. The Current's documentary editor is Joan Webber.