In House panel - Tom Mulcair is the new target
Conservatives are recycling embarrassing, but old, stories. Justin Trudeau is making regular announcements. Panelists Mark Kennedy and Emmanuelle Latraverse analyze how the rise of the NDP is changing the dynamics of this pre-election season.

Federal politics are on display even more than usual this year at the Calgary Stampede.
It's not a surprise given the fast-approaching federal election.
Party leaders are in full campaign mode.
The NDP's strong showing in the polls has changed the dynamics of the political BBQ season.
Mark Kennedy from the Ottawa Citizen and Emmanuelle Latraverse from Radio-Canada join us to discuss everyone's new favourite target: NDP leader Tom Mulcair.
Will the Conservatives' attempt to dig up old stories and the Liberals' heavy announcement schedule manage to slow the rise of the New Democrats?