Midweek podcast: Mid-campaign review

In the height of an election campaign, there's no avoiding them — whether you're watching TV, listening to the radio or even at a baseball game, political ads are ubiquitous.
But what makes a political ad work, and what makes you reach for the remote? The CBC's Ad Hawks Bill Walker and Kerry McKibbin join The House to discuss the anatomy of a political ad, and they rate a few of the ones currently ruling the airwaves (or making you want to rip your hair out!).
The CBC's polls analyst Éric Grenier joins us to look at the big picture in polling as the second phase of the campaign begins and new issues draw in — or alienate — voters.
Then, In House panelists Mark Kennedy and Tasha Kheiriddin are here to talk about the Conservatives going off-message, the NDP's desire to be seen as "mainstream", and how the Greens plan to hold the balance of power in a future Parliament.