Battleground Watch - The Economy

It's shaping up to be the major ballot box question this election — who do you think would do the best job at managing the Canadian economy?
But how much weight does that question carry in the minds of voters?
This week, we take a different spin on our Battleground series with CBC's polls analyst Éric Grenier, who joins us to talk about Battleground Watch — Economy.
Haven't got enough numbers? Éric Grenier joins The House over the summer for a deep dive into the polls and the data surrounding various battleground ridings across Canada.
Follow parties' gains and losses here with the CBC's Poll Tracker.
This week's episodes of the CBC Pollcast features guests Shachi Kurl, the senior vice-president at the Angus Reid Institute, discussing their latest numbers showing the NDP in the lead nationally, and Kevin Chan, the head of Canadian public policy for Facebook on the social media juggernaut's role in the election campaign. You can download the podcasts here.