A burning Heartland question answered
Fan-favourite cast member Graham Wardle shared some details about his return to the show

As you may know, I try to keep you updated about what is going on behind-the scenes during Heartland production. Guess who's back on set? Graham Wardle was back filming this week. Graham tweeted a link to his podcast where he talks about returning to set for Season 14! Here's the tweet:
Questions Asked. Questions Answered. <br><br>Join me Sunday October 4th at 12pm PST for my solocast episode. I cover world events, masks, my involvement with Season 14 of Heartland, psychedelics, spirituality and much more. <br><br>I hope you enjoy🙏🏼<a href="https://t.co/1GuLzdBleW">https://t.co/1GuLzdBleW</a>
"I have had such a great time being a part of the show and I am a part of Season 14."
In the podcast, Graham talks about his return for Season 14 and that he's travelling to Calgary to work on the show in this week. Also, rather than flying out to set, he mentions that he will be road-tripping from Vancouver to Calgary. There are plenty of sights to see on the way, so keep your eye out for new photos and information he may share on his social media channels in the coming days and weeks. In case you are wondering, you can find him on Twitter and Instagram. You can also check out Graham's podcast, mentioned in his tweet above, for all of the details he shared.
On another note, The Alberta Media Production Industries Association (AMPIA) Rosie Awards is tonight at 7pm MT, and guess what? It's hosted by Heartland's very own Amber Marshall.
The Rosie Awards bring Alberta's brightest stars and industry professionals together to honour and celebrate the year's best in production. If you have a chance, you can watch the livestream on Youtube tonight at 7 p.m. MT / 9 p.m. ET.
Heartland is nominated for 10 awards!
I've also been digging through Heartland photography and information from past seasons, and I found about 80 images from the photo shoot used to create the Heartland Season 6 poster art. How's that for a throwback Thursday? I won't share them all, because they are all fairly similar but here's one of the images from that shoot (and, for reference, the poster art below it). I'll keep looking through the archives to see what I can find that you may not have seen. I know there is a ton of stuff out there that will be new to many of you.

That's all for today. As always, I'll try to keep you up to date about who is coming to set and what they have said about it on social media. I know there are some new behind-the-scenes photos that will be coming our way in the future too, so look for those.