The many faces of Meredith MacNeill in Baroness Von Sketch Show
Spotlight on Meredith MacNeill’s incredible transformations in Baroness von Sketch Show.

Baroness von Sketch Show is one of CBC's sketch comedy shows, which you can watch on CBC Gem, and is led and performed by extremely funny and inspiring women, one of which is Meredith MacNeill.
After graduating from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, MacNeill began working with the Royal Shakespeare Company. She later moved on to TV and movies appearing in Man Stroke Woman, The Book of Negroes, Haven, Confetti and more.
Much like some of her BvSS co-creators/co-stars, she wrote, and regularly starred in one of our other satirical news programs, This Hour Has 22 Minutes.
As a true star performer who can turn into pretty much anyone, MacNeill takes physical comedy to new lengths and according to other BvSS writers, "Meredith is an improvisational queen." Add the art of physical transformation through makeup and costumes to the mix and the sky's the limit for her. Can you even tell some of these are her?

She embodies a botoxed "diva" with the same conviction as a male construction worker or a psycho boyfriend stalker.

The many side-splitting faces of Meredith in the below image are a testament to her supernatural ability to morph into each.

In this Titanic parody sketch, MacNeill stars opposite another Canadian comedian, Jon Dore, as they take on the roles of Rose and Jack from the movie, only these two are comical.
And what was Meredith MacNeill like as a teen? Watch the video to find out, along with the rest of Baronesses' teen stories.
Watch Baroness von Sketch Show on CBC Gem and be sure to check back on CBC Comedy and CBC Television in a week for another BvSS transformation profile!