Caesar garnishes, from most popular to least popular

We all love that distinctly Canadian invention, the Caesar. But what are the most beloved and least beloved ways to garnish it?
#1 - Celery
The Caesar hasn't been completely reinvented, as is evidenced by this old favourite's place on top of the list. Nothing wrong with a classic — just make sure to floss afterward (maybe with another piece of celery).
#2 - Olives
If actual juice straight from a clam isn't briney enough for you, throw in these salty snacks — people still love to!
#3 - Pickled green bean
Tired: That same old dill pickle you've seen a million times already.
Wired: This crispy and fresh treat.
#4 - Dill pickle
I mean, it's still good though.
#5 - Lasagna
While this newly trendy garnish may seem a little unwieldy, there are ways to get it under control. Every bartender worth his rim salt knows the secret: partially freeze it before serving, so it slowly softens throughout the drink until perfectly appropriate to eat once the drink has been consumed.
#6 - You guessed it… a DeLorean
Let's face it, nostalgia is all the rage these days, and it's even made its way into our bars, pubs, and locals.
Though you can make this drink by just placing a regular-sized Caesar glass on the hood or wing-door of a DeLorean, it's increasingly popular with the jet-set class to get a glass twice the size of the DeLorean.
A cup that size isn't cheap, no, but if you can afford a DeLorean, one of the most beautiful, prized, and expensive cars in the world, you're probably not worrying about finances.
#7 - The notion of fulfilment
This is a tricky one. The bartender doesn't need to be self-actualized him or herself (though it helps), but they do need to be able to perfectly visualize an ideal mental and physical state, described by you, that you would love to attain by consuming this drink.
For this reason, rarely ordered. Not available at Jack Astor's.
#8 - Danny DeVito
We're not saying this is a bad garnish. This is simply a case of supply and demand: he can only serve as a (non-consumable) garnish for one drink at a time. So whenever he has been ordered, there is a given amount of time before anyone else on the planet can order him, especially because Danny is a chatterbox and loves to stick around and make conversation while you finish your drink.
His employment as a garnish at all has nothing to do with his height, by the way. Though Mr. DeVito is limited in stature, he is still north of four feet tall and far, far bigger than a glass. He would be as awkward as George Clooney — people just want to drink with Danny DeVito. But not as much as they want to drink with a piece of celery.
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