QUIZ: We bet we can tell how old you are by how old you were when Encino Man (1992) was in theatres

We can do anything over here at CBC Comedy, from reading minds to reading ages.
Don't believe that? Just take this amazing quiz.
You tell us the age at which you saw the Sean Astin/Pauly Shore/Brendan Fraser classic Encino Man in the theatre, and we'll tell you exactly how old you are.
Just. Like. Magic.
Were you 9 years old when you learned several lessons regarding the weezin' of the ju-uice?
a. No, I had to wait until age 10 to learn this valuable lesson.
b. Yes. I was 9, though I disagree with the shopkeeper and believe that Stoney, Pauly Shore's character, was correct to weeze the ju-uice.
c. I am Sean Astin. I was 21 years old when I not only read about this in the script, but then participated in the film in which this matter is discussed.
If you answered a, you are 34 years old. If you answered b, you are 33 years old. If you answered c, you are 47 years old, were excellent in the recent season of Stranger Things, and we thank you for stopping by our site.
Do you understand the following phrase: "If you're edged 'cause I'm weezin' all your grindage, just chill. 'Cause if I had the whole Brady Bunch thing happenin' at my pad, I'd go grind over there, so dont tax my gig so hard-core, cruster."
a. Yes, and I have understood it since I was 9 years old.
b. Yes, and I have understood it since I was 10 years old.
c. No, I've never understood it. But I did hear it once, at age 9, when I saw the film Encino Man in theatres.
If you selected a, you are 33 years old. If you selected b, you are 34 years old. If you are c, you are 33 years old but read it again, try to understand it, there's a lot of meaning there. It's deep.
How old were you when the Toronto Blue Jays won their second consecutive World Series?
a. I was eleven years old. I remember it very clearly, because it was the best thing that had happened to me since the release of my favourite film, Encino Man, which I saw the previous year, in theatres.
b. I was ten years old. And as wonderful as the victory was, it could not accurately be described as "A stone-age stoner comedy" in the clever way that a certain Pauly Shore vehicle's was, barely one year earlier, when I was 9 years old.
c. I did not see the match. I was busy watching my favourite movie, which I did every night beginning May 22, 1992, and I don't mean Sister Act, Lethal Weapon 3, or Far and Away.
Weezin' the juice?
a. Weezin' the juice.
b. Weezin' the ju-uice.
c. The weasel.
This answer does not help us determine your age, but we already fully gleaned that information from the previous questions, and thus thought we'd just take a moment to engage in some loose grindage for the sake of grindage, and have a little fun with the nugs.
Thanks for playing along, and stay tuned for next time when we tell you how tall you are based on which Goonies character you're the exact same height as!
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