A 20-minute boxing-style workout that will help you master some core fundamentals
From basic footwork to jabs, crosses and hooks, fitness coach and boxer Sylvie Dulger shows how it’s done

Whether you're new to boxing or are looking for a chance to brush up on your skills, this workout from fitness coach and competitive boxer Sylvie Dulger is a perfect opportunity to practice.
In the video, Sylvie will take you through a 20-minute routine filled with drills of different boxing fundamentals. You'll start with a quick warm-up, then move into three heart-pumping circuits of punches, shuffles and hooks. No gloves needed for this session — grab some water and a towel, and let's go!
Check out the video, then scroll down for the full list of exercises.
20-minute boxing fundamentals workout
Repeat each move for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds.
Circuit 1: Footwork and straight punches
Jab cross + stepping on the spot
2 steps forward, jab + cross
2 shuffle steps + punch
Circuit 2: Dynamic movements
Side step + hook
Squat uppercut
Body slip + roll
Circuit 3: Combos
Jab right, hook left, uppercut
Jab right, hook left, uppercut, cross
Jab right, hook left, uppercut, cross left, hook cross
Repeat each circuit twice.
Produced in collaboration with CBC Creator Network.