Jillian S. Bell
Freelance writer
Jillian Bell is a writer and freelance editor living in the impossibly beautiful Qu'Appelle Valley. She is an avid reader, gamer, textile artist and passable oboeist. Oboer? She plays oboe. Also, the deer eat her garden, so she's also keen on buying produce from local farmers' markets.
Latest from Jillian S. Bell

2 Saskatchewanians throw rocks over where curling should rank among wintertime sports
Of all the winter sports, curling seems to be the one that is most equally beloved and mocked. We asked two Saskatchewan residents to settle the debate.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

How my holiday home became a harrowing house of horrors
"It turned out the patron saint of holiday karma had a few things up her sleeve for me."
Canada -Saskatchewan |

6 Christmas gifts no one on your list wants to receive
Now that we’re fully ensconced in the big marketing push to buy literally everything before the end of December, let this handy guide steer your purchases away from the worst gift ideas invented.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

Bad weather is the least of our worries: Sask. drivers' 7 irritating sins
Saskatchewan got a whole lot of weather this week — not that that appears to influence driving habits in the least.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

Point of View
Why does the City of Regina treat composting like the scary unknown?
When the landfill becomes one of Regina's most prominent geographical features, you know you have to do something, writes Jillian Bell.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Bunnyhug vs. calling it anything else
It's pretty much common knowledge that Saskatchewan vernacular is at once terrifyingly weird and criminally sweet.
Canada -Saskatchewan |
Saskatchewanians more prepared for visitors than any other Canadians
When you can see visitors arriving for hours, you have loads of time to hide the laundry under the beds and spot-vacuum.
Canada -Saskatchewan |