CBC Musical Nooners August 4: Raquel Cole
B.C. singer-songwriter's guitar and vocals will have you swaying along to her country songs

Raquel Cole has worked with some of Nashville's top artists and producers, and on Tuesday the B.C.-born singer-songwriter will bring her compelling vocals and country sound to the CBC Musical Nooners stage.
Cole was born and raised in Vernon, and was introduced to music at a young age through her father. He was a drummer and wanted someone to play music with, so he gave Cole her first guitar when she was just nine years old.
Over the years, Cole has also become proficient on the mandolin and has crafted her own unique sound.
She now lives in Nashville, Tenn., where she is working with some of country music's biggest producers and songwriters. Among them is producer Chad Carlson, who has worked on Taylor Swift's albums.
Cole, who is in her 20s, has also opened for Grammy award-winning country band Diamond Rio.
For a taste of what's to come on Tuesday, take a listen to It's For Real This Time:
The CBC Musical Nooners is a series of free, live music concerts every weekday from noon to 1 p.m. at the CBC Vancouver Plaza on Hamilton Street (between West Georgia and Robson).
While we do control the lineup, we can't control the weather. Follow us on Twitter at @CBCVancouver or #musicalnooners in case of changes to the schedule due to inclement weather.