Dogs allegedly shot dead by neighbour while witness begs him to stop
RCMP, SPCA investigate dog shootings in B.C.'s Kootenays

A B.C. woman is alleging her two dogs were shot and killed by a neighbour while a witness begged him to stop.
Jen Bryant alleges in a Facebook post that her two black Labrador retrievers strayed into a neighbour's yard in Elkford on May 1. She says they killed the Kootenay man's chickens, and he immediately rounded up the two dogs, drove them to the countryside and shot them.
Bryant claims the ordeal was witnessed by a concerned friend who followed the neighbour.
"[He] picked up our beloved fur babies and rather then call us, he proceeded to drive out of town to shoot them," she wrote in a Facebook post.
"He shot my dogs in the face while they sat pretty wagging their tails, having no idea what was going on."
Lorie Chortyk, a spokeswoman for the B.C. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, says the case sounds shocking, and if the allegations are true, the SPCA will recommend charges. It has sent a special constable to Elkford to investigate.
"Our understanding in this case is that it involves two dogs that were allegedly taking chickens. But regardless, that kind of violence to animals is against the law and if the evidence is there we will recommend charges under the Criminal Code or the Cruelty to Animals Act," she said.
The RCMP has also confirmed it has investigated the incident.
The man who allegedly shot the dogs could not be reached for comment.