Senior struck and killed by car in Vancouver
Police say an 81-year-old man was jaywalking when he was hit by a car Thursday night

An 81-year-old man jaywalking across East Broadway in the rain was struck and killed by a vehicle in Vancouver Thursday night.
The collision happened just after 10:30 p.m. near the intersection with Main Street.
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The man was crossing East Broadway in the middle of the block when he was struck by the car in the centre lane, according to police.
The B.C. Ambulance Service said the man was unconscious when he was taken to hospital in grave condition, but could not be saved.
Vancouver police investigators were at the scene for two or three hours taking measurements to reconstruct the collision scene.
.<a href="">@VancouverPD</a> say an 81-year-old man has died after he struck by a car on East Broadway last night. <a href=""></a>
A Mercedes sedan could be seen stopped mid-block in the westbound lanes with an impact to its front end and windshield.
An officer gathered up a pile of belongings that were lying in the middle of the street, including a backpack, a pair of Crocs foam clogs, and a baseball cap.
Police say the driver remained at the scene and is co-operating with the investigation.
It was raining at the time and police say that likely played a role in the crash, but they do not think speed or alcohol were contributing factors.
It was Vancouver's first pedestrian fatality of the year.