Bowness residents get flood mitigation update from city
Some homeowners in northwest community skeptical much progress being made

People living in Bowness got a chance to ask city officials questions about flood mitigation in their community Wednesday night.
Frank Frigo, a senior engineer with the city's water resources department, told the residents who attended the public forum that a lot of progress has been made.
The badly eroded river bank near 52nd Street has been stabilized, work has been done on water and sewer lines and emergency response plans have been improved, he said.
“We've been flushing and cleaning the accumulated silt, making sure the storm water system can act normally. We've been working on sanitary lift stations in the sanitary system doing the same thing, removing silt,” he said.
Bowness resident Ron Parent, who is still refurbishing his flood-damaged basement, said he hasn’t been satisfied with the information provided at public meetings.
“I'm hoping there's more going on behind the scenes than we're privileged to at this point,” he said.
Frigo said while many of the projects in Bowness so far have been somewhat minor, much of the flood mitigation work still planned by the city involves large-scale projects to come in following years.