Calgary's James Bond superfan, 8, on sipping apple-juice martinis with Daniel Craig
007 trivia expert Britton Walker of Calgary got the red carpet treatment
Britton Walker — an eight-year-old from Calgary who's a James Bond superfan — takes his apple-juice martinis shaken, not stirred.
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He learned that skill hanging out with James Bond star Daniel Craig in Mexico City, at the premiere of Spectre.

"That was probably the most amazing moment of my life," Britton told Alberta@Noon on Friday.
Craig also showed the pint-sized 007 fan how to iron a tuxedo and gave him a very special gift — the OMEGA spy watch he wore in the film, which opens in theatres on Friday.
"In Spectre it has a superpower.... It doesn't work in real life, but if you press this button, something explodes," said Walker.
Sony Pictures flew Walker and his family to the movie premiere, and while there, the Grade 3 student had a job to do — be the red carpet correspondent for the Ellen DeGeneres Show.
Walker interviewed most of the big Spectre stars, including Bond girl Monica Bellucci — who gave him a "smoochie," as he calls it.
"It felt pretty nice."
007 trivia master
On Friday, Walker was a guest on The Ellen DeGeneres Show for the second time in his life.
His first appearance was in December, 2014 after it came to DeGeneres' attention that Walker was a somewhat of a spy trivia master.
Not only can Walker rattle off every Bond film ever made in order, he also knows what year each was made.
His father, Jeff, says he learned all those facts playing a game on his iPad.
"I'm a big Bond fan, too, but couldn't answer half the questions he was getting. Anything he read, it's just stuck in his head."
Walker has seen most of the Bond films and says Spectre is his favourite. He also thinks Craig is the best Bond because he's the "toughest."