Susan Huebert
Susan Huebert is a Winnipeg writer for children and adults, on topics ranging from science to current events and social justice.
Latest from Susan Huebert

Women in trades need co-operation from the top to gain equality
One of the most difficult mental processes in the world is to get rid of a preconceived idea. That's particularly true when it comes to the workplace and the roles different people play in it.
Canada -Manitoba |

Living on borrowed time: We need to make choices now to slow resource consumption
Every year, the non-profit Global Footprint Network calculates the day when people begin to use more resources than the Earth can produce in a year. Earth Overshoot Day came earlier than ever before this year — yet another sign that we need to act to save the environment now, says Susan Huebert.
Canada -Manitoba |

Going to an outdoor concert? Make sure you know how to behave
Outdoor events are often affordable informal events, which allows a range of people to attend. But that also means that sometimes, standard rules of etiquette and good behaviour in public are forgotten, says Susan Huebert.
Canada -Manitoba |

Winnipeg needs to clean up its garbage problem
Spring cleanups are great events, but we need more radical action to beautify our city and protect our natural environment, says Susan Huebert.
Canada -Manitoba |

The wisdom of youth: On climate change, adults should listen to young voices
Young Manitobans rallied students for climate action at the Manitoba Legislature last week, hoping to make their voices heard. And when the people who will live with the most profound effects of climate change talk about its dangers, adults should take notice, says Susan Huebert.
Canada -Manitoba |
Driven to extinction? Winnipeg Transit needs to focus on availability, affordability to survive
For many low-income riders and even for drivers, the latest Winnipeg Transit fare increase has been extremely problematic, as they have seen a higher cost for using transit and diminished services, says Susan Huebert.
Canada -Manitoba |

Combining dog walking and freelancing is the way I get by in a gig economy
There was a time when people could finish school, go to university and get a good job that would last until retirement. These days, the gig economy has put that kind of stability increasingly out of reach for many people, including me.
Canada -Manitoba |

Green spaces are important enough to be an election issue in Winnipeg
With election time coming soon, Winnipeg voters should let leaders know the vital importance of green space for the welfare of the city, says Susan Huebert.
Canada -Manitoba |

Maybe Winnipeg's mayoral race should go to the dogs
The other day, I read that my favourite mayor died last year at the ripe old age of 20. Mayor Stubbs of Talkeetna, Alaska, was a cat.
Canada -Manitoba |

What makes a city smart? Technology alone can't solve all Winnipeg's problems, says Susan Huebert
The Smart Cities competition looks for technology-based solutions to big city problems. But there's a danger to depending on technology to solve all of Winnipeg's problems, says Susan Huebert.
Canada -Manitoba |