'I plan on suing for my daughter's life,' says mother of dead Winnipeg inmate

A Manitoba woman is demanding answers after her daughter who was in custody in Winnipeg, fell ill and died last week.
Gerri Hall says she plans to sue the province of Manitoba after having to take her daughter off life support on Thursday.
"Most mothers have their daughters to take care of them as they get older. I am getting older and my daughter will not be there," said Hall.
"Doctors said if she was brought in two weeks earlier, she would have survived," said her stepfather, Dan Kane.
"Why did they wait so long? I don't understand how can people be so heartless," said Hall.
Manitoba's Chief Medical Examiner will call an inquest into the 38-year-old's death because she died while in custody.
Hall said her daughter was taken off of life support on March 17, four days after being admitted to St. Boniface Hospital from the Winnipeg Remand Centre.

She said her daughter had been sick for some time but was afraid to go to the hospital because there was a warrant out for her arrest for breaching a no contact order.
"She was in and out of prison," said Hall. "It was just petty things. I didn't agree with what she did, but I still loved my daughter. She was still my baby."
A life of tragedy
Gerri Hall said her daughter is the third child she has buried. She lost a son when he was four-years-old and another son who drowned.
"The grief I have been through in my life, it has made me a stronger person," she said. "But having my baby die; I feel so helpless. That is how I feel now. They have taken my girl away from me."
Hall has also buried two of her brothers, the homeless hero Faron Hall, and Wilson Hall, who died while living on the street and the family wasn't notified.