Make Cory Care: NDP candidate reaches out to Manitoban who has never voted
Voters, candidates across political spectrum are invited to help convince Cory Alleyne to vote
Cory Alleyne, a lifelong Manitoban who has never voted before, has come face-to-face with some of the first people who hope to change his mind, including NDP candidate Kerri Irvin-Ross.
Irvin-Ross reached out to Cory Alleyne within hours of hearing about CBC Information Radio's Make Cory Care series, which invites Manitobans of all political stripes to convince the 37-year-old Winnipegger to cast a ballot on April 19.
Alleyne is a father, homeowner and taxpayer, but he is among the 44 per cent of eligible Manitobans who did not vote in the 2011 provincial election.
In fact, he has never voted in his life.
- Make Cory Care: Help us get this man to vote for the first time
- Manitoba Votes 2016: Full election coverage
'Your voice counts'
Alleyne does not live in Fort Richmond, the constituency where Irvin-Ross is running, but that didn't stop her from inviting him and his family to her campaign headquarters on Monday.
"I know that you care. We just need for you to care to put your X on a ballot," Irvin-Ross said to him.
"As a parent, your voice counts. You need to make sure that you express your vote and that is your opinion and your belief about what kind of future we want for Manitoba. And that's vitally important."

"I have been voting since 1960. I don't believe I have ever missed an election, so it becomes part of your being," Thompson said.
"I fundamentally believe if you don't vote, you don't have a say — you can't complain and bellyache, which is important in our society."
We still want to hear from you! Information Radio is encouraging voters and candidates from all political parties to reach out and inspire Alleyne to vote.
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