Manitoba election: Advance voter turnout 38% higher than in 2011
About 109,000 voters cast ballots from April 9 until Saturday

Election day in Manitoba is Tuesday, but more than 109,000 people have already cast ballots in advance polls — an increase of 38 per cent from the last provincial election.
Approximately 109,078 eligible voters took advantage of the advance voting period, which ran from April 9 until Saturday, according to Elections Manitoba.
That number is an increase of about 38 per cent from 78,786 people who cast ballots in the eight-day advance voting period leading up to the 2011 election, a spokesperson told CBC News.
It's the highest advance participation rate in a provincial election to date, the spokesperson added.
Elections Manitoba attributed the higher turnout to greater public awareness of how people can vote in advance and the fact they can vote at any advance voting location. As well, the agency cited its website and mobile app, which have information on where to find advance voting locations.
Manitobans who have not voted yet can do so on Tuesday, which is election day. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Coverage of the results will begin at 8 p.m. CT (9 p.m. ET) Tuesday on CBC Radio One 89.3 FM and CBC Television.
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