Traffic delays coming to Waverley and Taylor this weekend
Underpass project area will be closed to motorists

The Waverley underpass project area will shut down for three days starting Friday evening.
The City of Winnipeg said the area at Waverley Street and Taylor Avenue will be closed to prepare for traffic that will move onto a new detour road while crews work on building the long-awaited underpass.
The road, sidewalks and cyclist paths will be closed from Friday at 5:30 p.m. to Monday at 6 a.m.
Roads within the following boundaries will be closed this weekend:
- Waverley Street between Wilkes Avenue, Hurst Way and Mathers Avenue will be closed.
- Taylor Avenue between Cambridge Street and east of the Reh-Fit Centre's parking lot.
Starting Monday, traffic will be rerouted on a new detour road and will continue to be diverted for the next two years.
Many drivers won't be able to to make their usual turns while the two-year detour is in place.

Drivers going eastbound on Taylor at Waverley must turn right and motorists heading northbound on Waverley at Taylor will have no left turn.
Motorists will also lose the left turn on southbound Waverley at Taylor.