Winnipeg's first dodgeball league aims at adults

Forget memories of giant chaotic dodgeball games during gym class, a group of avid players in Winnipeg are taking dodgeball to the next level. Stacy Huen came up with the idea to start Manitoba's first adult dodgeball league in March. Since then, Dodgeball Winnipeg has organized regular drop-in games and tournaments. Huen now hopes to attract even more players.
"Winnipeg has a pretty solid dodgeball community right now," he said. The sport's rules are simple. Two teams stand at opposite sides of a room and try to throw balls at opposing players, if a person is hit, they're out of the game.
26-year-old Huen started playing competitive dodgeball in 2012 when some friends invited him to play with the Winnipeg Rec League. Soon Huen and other serious players grew frustrated with several shortcomings they saw. Winnipeg Rec League doesn't follow international rules laid out by the World Dodgeball Federation, Huen said.

For example Winnipeg Rec League only allows players to hold one ball at a time, said Huen. Dodgeball Winnipeg allows players to hold as many balls as they can carry for maximum impact.
"It's a competitive sport and it's a really good workout," said Huen, "You've got at least ten feet between you and the opposing team, so as much as you are trying to hit people on the other team, it's really a non-contact sport."
Dodgeball Winnipeg uses international equipment standards for games, a 7-inch foam ball coated in rubber. Huen alleges it doesn't hurt when you get hit.
The league is still actively looking for more players. Winnipeggers can sign up as individuals or in teams of six. Huen hopes to form co-ed teams, as well as all-male and all-female teams.
"We actually had a lot of women in the community who wanted to have a league of their own," said Huen.
Fees to join the league are $50 for individual players and $395 for teams of six or more players.