10 MHAs too many: Who would you kick off the #nlpoli island and why?
So Premier Paul Davis finds the House of Assembly a little too crowded. His plan? Cut the number of seats in the legislature from 48 to 38.

So Premier Paul Davis finds the House of Assembly a little too crowded. His plan? Cut the number of seats in the legislature from 48 to 38.
Davis says he's downsizing because the House of Assembly is "too large."
With a nearly billion dollar deficit looming, the move will save the province $2.5-million.
Davis won the Progressive Conservative leadership last year, but has yet to win a mandate as premier.
Now, he wants to make this move before the next provincial election, which is now set for the fall.
Which 10 MHAs should be downsized, and why? Leave your thoughts in the comments section.