Parties planning to filibuster deficit reduction levy in wake of complaints
NDP says it will work with the PCs to filibuster Liberal Bill 14

The date for the vote on the provincial budget hasn't been announced yet, but the Tories and NDP say that whenever that happens, they plan to filibuster at the House of Assembly.
PC Leader Paul Davis told reporters Wednesday that extending the debate before Bill 14 — the legislation that will enact the controversial deficit reduction levy — comes to a vote will be an opportunity to answer residents' questions.

"We hear complaints and issues and problems every day with people understanding what's in the budget. What's coming in budget No. 2 this fall?" said Davis, referring to a mini-budget that is expected to include steeper cuts to the public service.
"We don't know that yet as well, and people are still looking for more information and a filibuster is a good way to do that," he said.
The NDP said it also plans to filibuster largely because of the flood of complaints about the deficit reduction levy, a set amount all taxpayers who make over $25,000 will be required to pay annually.
"We have been bombarded since April 14, with people who are opposed to the levy," said Michael.
'Everybody recognizes the lack of fairness."- Lorraine Michael
"Everybody recognizes the lack of fairness, the injustice that's involved and I think it would be irresponsible of us if we didn't do everything possible to have as much debate and bring their voices into the House of Assembly," she said.
"We have hundreds and hundreds of messages from people."
Michael said the NDP will cooperate with the Tories during the filibuster.