Adult massage parlour closure a case of wrong permits
City says company filed wrong permits
An adult massage parlour located in downtown St. John's was forced to cease operations this week, but the city said the only issue with the operation was a matter of incorrect paperwork.

One neighbour told CBC News she feels it's inappropriate to have an adult massage parlour operating in the residential neighbourhood.
CBC News is not reporting on the exact location of the massage parlour because of concerns expressed by the owner about protecting the women who work there.
Coun. Jonathan Galgay said the owner had filed erroneous permits for operation of the massage parlour.
"The business occupancy stated it was going to be under operation as a bed and breakfast, and we had a couple of calls from nearby residents who were concerned about the activities that were happening there that didn't really fall under the purview of a bed and breakfast," he said.
Galgay said an inspector was sent to the property on Wednesday, and the city discovered it was a massage parlour. A notice was sent to the owner to cease operations until the proper permits have been obtained.
Nothing illegal about business
Other than the wrong paperwork being filed, Galgay said there are no concerns about the operation of a massage parlour.

"By virtue of definition, there's nothing really illegal associated with that, and it's a very broad definition."
The owner of the business, who CBC also isn't naming, said the company has tried to keep a low profile in order to protect the safety of the women who work there, and their only crime is filing the wrong permit.
The owner said she thought the correct permits were filed, and blamed the city for the mix-up.
According to the owner, Kendra's Red House is also different from many adult massage parlours; the company pays its taxes and tests its employees for drugs.
She added they've tried to be respectful of their neighbours by asking clients to use the back door entrance to the parlour, but said business has been busier than expected.
The owner said the company has ceased its operations for the time being, and is in the process of applying for the correct permit immediately.