Beached sperm whale floats away from Cape St. George
A community on Newfoundland's west coast is breathing a sigh of relief — and fresh air — after a dead whale beached on the shoreline floated away on its own.

A community on Newfoundland's west coast is breathing a sigh of relief — and fresh air — after a dead whale beached on the shoreline floated away on its own.
The town of Cape St. George was having a hard time figuring out how to get rid of the sperm whale carcass last week, but the problem has solved itself.
According to the town, the whale drifted away on the tide sometime over the weekend.
Last week, the town attempted to get rid of the rotting carcass by posting an ad on eBay to let people bid on taking ownership of the whale.
However, eBay told the town to remove the ad, stating the sale of marine mammals was prohibited.