Cameras, cabinet pitch among Paradise traffic solutions

The newly elected mayor of Paradise says high-tech cameras may help alleviate traffic congestion problems that aggravate commuters.
"People want to get to work on time, and that's the main issue," said Dan Bobbett, who was elected in September's municipal election.

Bobbett said that traffic is a top priority for his first term, and is the No. 1 issue among constituents who rely on cars to get to work.
"Paradise is a growing community, and the focus has got to be on roads...we're going to tackle it and fix the problem," said Bobbett.
The town is in the process of purchasing a four-way camera system that monitors traffic and automatically adjusts signals, for a busy intersection at Topsail Road and Carlisle Drive, a gateway to the Elizabeth Park subdivision.
As well, town officials recently met with three cabinet ministers to discuss upgrading the road system in Paradise, one of the fastest-growing towns in Canada.
Bobbett said that residents have made it clear to him they want a solution to the ongoing problem
"As an elected official, that's what I'm here try and solve these issues."
Bobbett said the timing of traffic lights on Topsail Road near the Outer Ring Road have already been modified to ease traffic flow during the morning rush hour.