Police, NLC raid cannabis shop in downtown St. John's

Police officers and inspectors with the Newfoundland and Labrador Liquor Corp. raided an alleged unlicensed cannabis store in St. John's Thursday, just one day after legal recreational marijuana sales came into effect.
Cannabis Care, which operates a storefront business from Water Street, was not one of the companies that was approved to sell cannabis legally under the auspices of the NLC.
Even though a raid is in progress, several people have come by Water Street Cannabis Care and been disappointed to find the door locked. One woman told me she had already tried legal cannabis dispensaries but they were sold out. <a href="https://t.co/CLQBmNLg35">pic.twitter.com/CLQBmNLg35</a>
A number of companies had opened in Newfoundland and Labrador — particularly in the downtown St. John's area — but not all met government-set criteria for selling cannabis legally.
The raid comes on the second day of the nationwide legalization of marijuana.
Under the Cannabis Control Act, liquor inspectors have the power to shut down unlicensed dispensaries.

Speaking to CBC News last week, NLC executive Sean Ryan issued a stern warning to shops operating without a licence.
"Those that are operating illegally should be forewarned," he said. "We're coming."
The raid was led by the NLC, with assistance from plainclothes Royal Newfoundland Constabulary officers. They remained in the building late into Thursday night.