Conception Bay South fire department fills fire truck for local food bank
Demand on the rise at Conception Bay South/Paradise food bank

The community food bank serving Conception Bay South and Paradise collected a truck load of donations Saturday to help those in need.
The campaign is in partnership with the fire department in C.B.S., with the goal to fill a fire truck full of non-perishable food and household items heading into the holiday season
Thanks to the kindness of the community, the fire department said the truck was filled with ease.
Hundreds of Christmas hampers
Peter Wells, chairman of the food bank, says the rising cost of living has made food banks more important than ever before.
"We'll probably do between 450 and 500 Christmas hampers alone this year," said Wells.
"When I first started years ago, we'd do 100 to 150. Now we'll go over 500. I've got a feeling we'll go over 500 clients by the end of 2023."
Wells said the community has always answered the call when the food bank has asked for assistance, and the Stuff the Fire Truck event was no different.
"It's been absolutely amazing what this community has done every time I've reached out," said Wells.
"Now the fire department are doing it for us. It's just amazing."

A community of support
Andrea Gosse, deputy mayor of Conception Bay South, was on hand for the event, explaining that for many in the community, the holiday season is the toughest time of the year.
"At Christmas time, there's always more of a demand," said Gosse.
"With the economic climate right now, we're seeing the rising cost of living, inflation rates. This is affecting people day to day."
While there is always a need for the food bank, Gross said, it gets more urgent as the holiday season approaches. Luckily, she said, the community is always eager to lend a helping hand.
"Our town is always a great town for support," said Gosse. "You put out the call and people show up."

'A good way to play our part'
John Heffernan, chief of the C.B.S. fire department, says the department has always had a solid working relationship with the food bank and is always happy to take part in benefits that support the community.
"Any of the initiatives that we do, whether it's a Halloween event or throughout the year, we always try to create a benefit to the C.B.S./Paradise food bank," said Heffernan.
"Going into the Christmas season, we know there's going to be significant demands on the food bank … so we just thought this would be a good way to play our part."