Charges being considered in Natuashish gas sniffing incident
Seven children - as young as nine - were taken to foster parents' homes and a safe house

RCMP in Natuashish continue to investigate a case of gas sniffing — involving children between the ages of nine and 12.
The group were discovered Wednesday night in an unsupervised house in the community.
Sgt. Faron Harnum said a call was received by police from a concerned local citizen around 8:30 p.m., indicating a group of children were possibly inside a home with no parental supervision.
Harnum said when officers arrived at the residence, the children came to the windows, and some attempted to jump out. After officers advised the children to refrain from doing this, they complied. Harnum said the group was cooperative and gave very little resistance.
He said officers also seized two unsecured shotguns, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and several lighters.
Charges are being considered in connection to the firearms and ammunition.
Only one of the children lived in the house — but none of the parents could be found when officers arrived on the scene. Harnum said one parent was successfully located a short time afterward, and later in the evening, a couple more were located.
Harnum added one of the children was in possession of a lighter.
"Gasoline, fumes from the gas, and young people under the influence of intoxicants in a confined area — it's a recipe for disaster," said Harnum.
Mushuau Innu Chief Simeon Tshakapesh, along with a mental health worker and staff from Child, Youth and Family Services also responded to the incident.
The children were taken from the home by CYFS to a safe house or to foster parents' homes in Natuashish.