Cody Basha wins young singers showcase at MusicNL event
Kyleigh Brisson, 16, takes second place at Corner Brook gala
Music performers from across Newfoundland and Labrador have converged in Corner Brook this weekend for the annual MusicNL awards.

On Thursday evening, 13 young singers and songwriters took the stage at Corner Brook Regional High School for the MusicNL NewFound Talent Contest.
Cody Basha, 19, from St. John's was the first place winner of the showcase. He said he got out of school and drove all the way to Corner Brook, making it in the nick of time to take the stage.
"I'm just happy to be here with all the contestants, because there was really a lot of talent here. Everyone here was basically a musician, and anyone could have won it, really, but I got picked this year," said Basha.
"It was definitely a good opportunity to have, especially coming from St. John's. I got in after school today, drove the whole way, got out just in time to make it here for my slot."
'Finally in Corner Brook'
Kyleigh Brisson, 16, from Corner Brook was the second place performer. Brisson said she was shocked that she came in second place in a contest featuring so many talented people.
"It was awesome. I mean, it's so great, and everyone really did deserve to get first place so it's really nice," she said.

"This contest was actually formed a few years ago around the MusicNL week event, and since we travel the event to other places in the province we are finally in Corner Brook and we are able to bring the contest to Corner Brook this year," said Winsor.
"It's about starting an artist's career, it's giving the artist all the tools that they might need to start their career, and album, a demo album, a music video, photography, a website, music business consultation, and much more."
The contest is open to anyone 19 years old and younger, and takes place every year during awards week.
Follow along with the MusicNL events this weekend in Corner Brook by following our live blog below.