Parents rally for new school in Coley's Point

Upset parents rallied Thursday in Coley's Point, hoping to pressure the province to upgrade the local primary school.
About 50 parents showed up Thursday morning to the school grounds of Coley's Point Primary, according to organizer Lisa Neville.
Another 1,200 or more people from the community and neighbouring towns signed a petition calling on the government to rebuild the 60-year-old building.
"We're quiet communities, you know, we don't kick up too much fuss, we kind of let things slide," Neville said.
"However today, they showed their support and they've been signing the petition and I felt that it was a really great day and a big step for our communities."
Neville, the chair of the local school council, says the building is crowded, the library and technology room don't have separate spaces and an impending expansion will take away the playground.
She'd rather see the province invest in a new building altogether.
"I understand that we are in a deficit, however things still need to get done," she said. "Our children's health and safety is at risk at that school."
"We would like to see a tender go out in this budget, and funds that have been allocated since 2013 be given....not a year from now, not two years from now, but now."
Money has been allocated in capital planning for a new primary school since 2013, but the school is still standing.
Neville says the teachers are doing the best they can, but the facilities just aren't good enough.
Local MHA Pam Parsons was on hand at the rally to accept the petition.
Neville is hoping that Parsons will bring it back to the government.
The Liberals will bring down their first budget on April 14