Customers upset about Northern Ranger service woes

The company that runs the Northern Ranger is flying pre-paid passengers to their destinations, but some passengers say a resolution still needs to be made to ensure steady, consistent service.
Many travellers were left stranded in Happy Valley-Goose Bay when the vessel broke down, but Peter Adams, the president of the CAI Nunatsiavut Marine company said he's working on ensuring passengers are getting the service they need.

"We're feeling very good about our response. There are some people who we've been unable to get a hold of, and so we're asking them to please contact us so that we can make the appropriate arrangements for them," Adams said.
"The vast majority of our customers are reaching their destination close to the same time, if not a little bit before or after their scheduled time for their ship to arrive, so there's really little impact to their travel claims."
Adams added that they would deal with any more extensive claims on a case-by-case manner.
One of the stranded passengers was Boas Mitsuk. He said problems with service are constant, and that people are getting tired of it.
"It's been going on for years — it's not only in Hopedale," Mitsuk said.
"I'm only one voice out of the whole of Labrador. If you had many voices from other communities you'd get a lot more complaint and concerns."
Mitsuk said he doesn't know what's going to happen with the ferry problems.
"I don't know what they're going to do about it — there should be something done about it because we do need supplies along the north coast."
The Northern Ranger can carry about 130 people and was scheduled to leave on Monday.