Don't forget N.L., David Wells says of possible money for oil-producing provinces

A Newfoundland and Labrador senator is calling on the federal government to include his home province in any infrastructure programs designed to alleviate pressure on oil producing provinces.
- Sask. Premier Brad Wall asks Ottawa to send money back while oil prices low
- Sask. Premier welcomes stimulus money into the province
Responding to a story in The Financial Post, Progressive Conservative Senator David Wells said this province is not immune to the negative effects of plunging oil prices, and should not be forgotten if any money is dished out to oil producing provinces.
Wells said the government is looking at an immediate $1 billion stimulus for Alberta and Saskatchewan.
"Newfoundland and Labrador's offshore oil industry is a significant component and has made major contributions to our economy," Wells said in a news release Thursday.
"Falling oil prices reduce revenues to the province and impact our ability to fund critical infrastructure."
To include Alberta and Saskatchewan and not Newfoundland and Labrador, Wells said, would be unfair.
In December, Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall said the federal government should consider returning a portion of the money it is taking from so-called "have" provinces while energy prices are low.