Dawn of the ducks: Quacking invaders a menace to Burin residents
Feathered fiends have taken over town, residents claim
Residents of Newfoundland's Burin Peninsula say their towns have been invaded — but not by aliens or anything manageable, oh no. Ducks have taken over, and people don't know what to do about the foul fowl.
Gangs of ducks are hanging out under bridges, harassing the townspeople, cruising back and forth over the roads. They don't care about blocking traffic — these ducks own this town.

"They chased me and everything, looking for food. If I'm coming home with my groceries, they're looking in the bags. They're chasing me, looking in the bags, like, 'What do you got for me today?'" she said.
For folks like Freeman Collins, the ducks were once a welcome sight, back when they were rarely seen. But now, they've wreaked havoc on his property.
"When it first happened we said it was a bit exciting, 'Look at that! There's a couple of ducks out there.' And then they started having their young," said Collins.
"They're forever picking something out of the grass — whatever they're at, I don't know. They're always finding something — they don't stop."
Lost its magic
Collins said the ducks have even worn a path in his yard, and he can look out his window at any time and see as many as 50 ducks loitering, enjoying the spoils of a green lawn.
He said he used to try to disperse the dawdling duck dynasty, but it's a lost cause.

While patience is growing thin for some residents, leading to a few duck carcasses strewn across the road, Collins said there's not much you can do but wait.
"They won't get off the road, they got no fear of cars. I mean, I'm after going out there and I seen as high as three and four killed on the road. Not everybody got patience enough to wait. When they see you coming, they just stands there in the middle of the road. They just stand there and wait."
Collins said he complained to the Burin town council about the duck problem, but there's not much they can do. He also contacted the wildlife department, but said again he was told there isn't a lot to be done.