Don't let it go: Students stand frozen in support of keeping tuition freeze

Students from across the province held an impromptu flash mob last night on Water Street to kick off the Canadian Federation of Students-Newfoundland and Labrador's (CFS-NL) "Keep The Freeze" campaign for the upcoming provincial election.
"Students wanted to have a little demonstration and have a bit of fun, and they decided to do some freezing for the freeze," said CFS-NL chairperson Travis Perry.
For five minutes they stood frozen in place, baffling and intriguing onlookers passing by on Water Street.
The physical freeze was meant to send a message to the party leaders that students would be voting for the parties that plan to keep the freeze and restore education funding.
When the five minute long freeze was snapped, CFS-NL leaders spoke about what they'd like to see from the party leaders this election campaign and handed out literature.
"We're going to be looking to them to sign pledges to maintain the tuition freeze for all students and to restore funding to the College of the North Atlantic and Memorial University," said Perry.
Advance polls for students to take place at Memorial University
Many of the students were in town for a CFS-NL led student leadership conference.
CFS-NL says they are non-partisan, but will be making sure the public knows where each party stands on education- related issues.
"We're going to be working to make sure people in the community are showing up to the polls on election day to vote for parties that are making those commitments," said Perry
After the success of early polls at Memorial University during the Federal Election, CFS-NL says they've worked with Elections Canada to set up advance polling stations at Memorial for the provincial election as well.
On Nov. 16, 17, and 18, students will be able to line up and vote in any riding in the province at the Memorial University Centre.