Fabian Manning to return to Senate

Prime Minister Stephen Harper plans to reappoint former senator Fabian Manning to the federal Senate, according to a federal government news release.
Harper made the announcement after naming his new cabinet Wednesday.
"Our Government will continue to push for a more democratic, accountable and effective Senate," said Harper, according to the release.
The news comes just weeks after Manning was rejected by voters in the eastern Newfoundland riding of Avalon during the May 2 election.
Manning was appointed to the Senate in 2009, but quit his position to run in the spring federal election.
"I had a choice. I could have stayed in the Senate and gone on with a lifestyle that wouldn't necessarily have me up every day working on behalf the people. I chose not to," said Manning, when he announced he was leaving the Senate on March 28.
Manning represented the riding of Avalon from 2006 to 2008 when he lost to Liberal Scott Andrews.
Andrews was re-elected to represent Avalon.