New family violence court in Stephenville good news

The Bay St. George Status of Women Council is applauding Paul Davis's announcement that a second court to deal with family violence issues will be set up in Stephenville.
Janice Kennedy, the council's executive director, told CBC's Corner Brook Morning Show having this new court on the west coast to deal with domestic violence makes good sense.
"We work with women who experience violence everyday," said Kennedy. "I think the difference is that they'll be receiving help from many different avenues."
Kennedy said many abused women often do not go to police because of fear of having to testify and only 20 percent of cases are reported in a regular court.
The family violence intervention court operates differently and keeps women from having to testify while helping both parties involved.
"With the family violence intervention court the offender has to actually plead guilty to enter the court," said Kennedy. "By pleading guilty, now we can start building in the wrap around services that we wouldn't typically see through a regular trial."
Kennedy said the Stephenville area already has the support services in place for this kind of court.

This court expansion is part of the Newfoundland and Labrador governments four-year action plan to prevent violence.
The St. John's court, that was announced first, has most of its team in place but hasn't opened yet. The premier said the new court in Stephenville should be open within a few weeks.