Fogo Island innkeeper says ferry service 'a challenge' for guests
Owner of Tilting Harbour Inn says Fogo ferry needs better info and amenities

Inconsistent service, a lack of information, and a shabby terminal in Farewell.
These are just some of the complaints that Tom Earl hears from guests at his bed and breakfast on Fogo Island.
"It can be a challenge, for sure," Earl says of the Fogo Island ferry service.
"You end up having to wait a little while on either side, and finding information about departures and things like that can be a challenge as well."

Earl, who operates the Tilting Harbour Inn, moved to the island from Toronto last year to manage the dining room at the famous Fogo Island Inn.
"I was out here for about eight months and fell in love with the place, which is easy to do, and came back this spring to run my own place."
But Earl said the ferry service is a persistent problem, compounded lately by the recently launched MV Veteran, which has been out of service for much of its short life.
Earl often warns his guests to arrive at the ferry terminal a couple of hours early, and be prepared for the departure schedule to change.
"I try to be as honest as possible," said Earl.
He also said the ferry terminal in Farewell is in need of improvement. He said guests comment on the lack of information at the terminal, as well as poorly stocked washrooms and vending machines.
New ferry still out of service
Problems with the ferry service to Fogo Island and Change Islands were supposed to be resolved with the purchase of the MV Veteran.
But the Veteran has been plagued with mechanical problems since it was launched last year. It has been out of service more often than in service, and is currently tied up in St. John's harbour.
The Department of Transportation is holding the shipbuilder, Damen Shipyards and Rolls Royce, responsible for the breakdowns.
Until repairs can be made to the Veteran, the MV Beaumont Hamel and MV Captain Earl W. Winsor, both older vessels, will be servicing Fogo Island and Change Islands.
In spite of it all, Earl says he has not yet lost business due to problems with the ferry.
"We're fortunate that people really do want to come here so they're really willing to make the effort," he said
With files from the Central Morning Show