Gambo latest town to hold budget protest
Large crowd gathered outside Central Health building to protest closure of local CYFS office

The province's largest union took part in another demonstration against the latest Newfoundland and Labrador budget on Saturday.
More than 150 NAPE members and community supporters gathered outside Central Health's Community Health Service Community building in Gambo Saturday morning, to protest the closure of the local CYFS office, the closure of a health clinic in Hare Bay and other aspects of the latest budget they feel is unfair.
The protest was organized by Gambo resident Michael Paul, a welder who is currently looking for work. Paul used social media to rally people in the week leading up to the demonstration.
Representatives from NAPE, the provincial NDP, the Town of Gambo, the Foster Parents Association of Gambo and various public service employees spoke at the rally, demanding the Liberal government keep the CYFS office open.

Following the rally, NAPE President Jerry Earle told CBC News the union is baffled as to why the CYFS office is being moved.
"It just doesn't make any financial sense to be moving this service from Gambo in to the Gander area," said Earle.
"It's going to put an additional burden on the frontline people that provide the services, which are NAPE members, and it's going to put a bigger burden on those who receive those services."
Earle said the union will continue to voice its concern until government agrees to properly look at the need for the move.
"I would challenge this government to do a review," he said.
"It's going to cost more and it's going to cost the people requiring the services more."
No Liberal representation
Earle said he was pleased to see NDP Leader Earle McCurdy and Sandy Collins of the PCs at the rally, but questions why the Liberal MHA for the district didn't show up on Saturday.
"These are his constituents and I certainly question why he wasn't there," he said.
"Doesn't he support a rural community like Gambo?"
Martin Penney in Gambo, retired NLP worker, protesting Liberal budget. <a href="">#nlndp</a> #<a href="">#justsayno</a> <a href="">#nlpoli</a> <a href=""></a>